second release in Series #2 will be the fabric, which we expect to release in April/May. It's a lovely green, which we're calling Society Thyme, that goes well with the colors in this series, as well as those in Series #1.
When this chart from Primitivebetties (Never Enough Thyme) came my way I knew this had to be a model for Series #2. It's being stitching over-one on 45 count but as tent stitch. I can control my tension better with tent vs. half-cross and it doesn't slip. I normally work in-hand but I find I can see the 45 count linen better to stitch over-on if it's tight in a hoop. Seems like it opens the holes just a tad more.
The words are being stitched in Aubergine, the vine in Flowers of Italy (color #2), the bird in Cabernet (color #3) and the bunnies in Cocolat from Series #1.
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